Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I had my wellness assessment at work this morning.  We get a discount on our health insurance if we complete it, and I actually look forward to it every year.  This has been the first full year I've been gluten-free, and I think it's been a good thing for me.  I didn't eliminate gluten to lose weight; I eliminated it to feel human and rid myself of years of tummy troubles (that's the nice way of saying it).  Anyway, this year's wellness assessment was actually nice.  I wasn't told I was at risk for being obese (maybe that's in the digital version I'll receive later).  I didn't get shuffled around between stations (they now have one person check your weight, height, body fat, measure your waist, and perform the blood test).  I had a lovely conversation with my wellness assessor (I made up her title; I'm pretty sure that's not her official title).  Her husband is a farmer in Bondurant and will get a 50% discount if he takes his corn to get dried at the grain elevator if he drops it off by Friday.  We bonded.  Anyway, so the really great part of my wellness assessment was this: I lost five pounds and three inches from my waist this past year.  Maybe it's from working out more intentionally (as in actually trying when I'm there and not pouting like a moody teenager about having to be there), but I guess my mom was right when she said I look "less bloated" now that I'm not eating gluten.  Oh, mom...gotta love the pure honesty.

And speaking of honesty, a friend of mine shared this hilarious blog with me.  It's written from the perspective of a toddler.  You will laugh, I promise.

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