Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Heart Kate

I've loved Kate Middleton ever since she came on the Prince William scene years ago.  She was lovely and adoring...and then she became a princess and stepped up her game.  If I was 6'2" and lived near her, I'm sure we would share clothes.  Also, I think she would have made a perfect Kappa, but that's impossible now.  Oor is it...maybe she could be a honorary member like Lucy Webb Hayes, former President Rutherford B. Hayes' wife!  So, back to reality.  Kate Middleton dresses like I would if I were a member of the British family (and a foot taller).  Tonight, I stumbled upon a blog called What Kate Wore.  I'm pretty sure I'm obsessed.  I'm always looking online to see what Kate wore on random days, and now I have my source ( doesn't have the detail I need to keep up with Kate on a regular basis).

Emily McCorquodale Wedding
Diamond Jubilee
The Engagement Announcement
There you have it.  I love her style.  I think she would make an excellent (and classy) Kappa.  I think we could be friends.  Maybe one day I'll visit England, and we'll run into one another, and we'll talk all about our dogs, and then we'll become lifelong friends...ok, I'll stop now. 

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