Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another Snow Day

Today the snow is falling and the wind is blowing and no driving is advised.  I'm snuggled up on my sofa with my laptop working away.  Actually, I think I've worked more this morning than I typically do when I'm at the office in the morning (we're a social group at the office). 

Anyway, I saw this feel-good Kid President video on Michaun's Facebook this morning and thought I'd share (turns out, The Today Show also showed it this morning, too).  I love listening to little kids talk.  And I also loved Space Jam.  Let's get out there!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby T Turns One

Baby T turned one this past week.  Josh and I drove down from Iowa City to St. Louis for his party.  Because of the freezing rain/ice storm this weekend, we were only able to spend a couple hours visiting.  It was incredible to see how much Baby T has grown up in the past year.  My heart melted when he wanted to hold my hand while he walked around with the gift Emily gave him...for like 30 minutes straight.  T, I could hold your hand for hours.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the weekend.  I cannot wait until I get to hang out with T again.  Also, seeing Heather and Dan was pretty great, too.  When they lived down the street from me, we had no idea how good we had it.  It's hard to have them so far away.  I cried for the first hour of the drive back to Iowa City.  Emily says when we're old and retired, we can all live on the same street in a retirement community in Florida.  I really hope that happens, because living so far away from friends stinks.

Below is proof of the crazy freezing rain/ice storm.  Also, I'm a little ashamed of myself for not having an actual window scraper in my car.  However, I found a paint stirrer in my trunk; it proved  quite effective in removing the ice.

Shine Bright Like an Emerald

Did you catch that?  Shine Bright Like a Diamond...  Thanks, Rihanna.  Anyway, emerald is Pantone's Color of the Year.  I'm totally digging it, which surprises me since I typically like lighter, less rich colors.  Now that I type that, I wonder...does that make me bland?  Whatever.  I'm comfortable with boring.

So, the reason I care about emerald is because I'm working on a photo shoot for next week, and I need to figure out what colors to put with Emerald.  Um...white and black?  That's my go-to combo for basically every color.  Or, I'm loving every color in the Fashion Color Report for Spring 2013 but African Violet (I love deep purple, but light purple...not for me).  So, maybe things aren't so bad.  Maybe I can make emerald green work...



And while I'm on a music kick, have you heard Justin Timberlake's new song, Suit & Tie?  I like it.  Probably because he made my senior year of college amazing with Bringing Sexy Back.  Or maybe it's because I love dressing up.  Speaking of which, I need to figure out what I'm wearing to Law Prom in February.  If you have any suggestions, send them my way.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dining Room Photo Shoot

Remember the post from back in May when I told you my dining room was getting a little makeover?  Well, below is what it looked like for the photo shoot.  Click here to read more about the project.  The room looks looks different now.  When I get it together and hang something on the wall, I'll post a picture.  Until then, enjoy what it looked like for the photo shoot.


 My favorite part of the project is the light fixture (buy it here).  Also now that the giant mirror is gone, the room (and the whole first floor) feels bigger.  I have yet to hang anything on the wall.  When I do, I'll post a picture. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sundays are the Best Days

Growing up, Sunday was always the day of rest.  Well, except for attending the three church services.  I never quite understood that part.  Two morning services seemed enough for me.  Anyway...I digress.  This morning, Josh and I were a little late to church (what's new; I was busy making lemon poppy seed muffins).  But, we weren't the last ones there, so that always makes me feel better.  After church, we avoided a fender bender on our way to the grocery store (just moments after the pastor warned us to drive safely).  Josh and I don't get to go grocery shopping very often, so it was kind of nice to have someone to push my cart around the store.

Once we got home, I started portioning out our food and cooking for the week.  It's only 3, and I've already made baked chicken for us (and some for Sophie since she's decided she hates all dog food), Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Bell Peppers, and a roast is cooking for dinner.  To top it off, Josh's laundry is done, I'm working on my laundry, and Sophie and Josh are spending the day on the sofa (with their time split between sleeping, reading and watching TV).  Sometime, I feel like my life is a crazy mess, but days like today make me realize I've got it pretty good.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Erin's Wedding Invitations

My friend, Erin, is getting married this August.  She's such a cool person, and I'm so happy for her!  She's a Kappa, too, and I've always thought of her as my little sis since she was smaller than me and was a school year (and pledge class) younger than me.  She even lived with Josh and me for a few months after she graduated from Iowa State.  Anyway, I digress.  So, she's getting married, and asked if I'd help out with her wedding stationary   Since that's one of my favorite things to do, I was more than happy to help!  I showed her the invites I made for Cody and Tiff, and she loved them.  I did a little customization to personalize Erin's invitations, but here's where I landed this week (without changing the fonts or the artwork from Tiff's invite template; that might come later).  I'm really looking forward to her big day!

Throwback Thursday

Last Thursday, I learned it was Throwback Thursday.  To participate via social media, I dug out some great photos from my archives.  Thumbing through old photo albums and stacks of real photos (not digital versions on my computer) made me realize I really need to start printing my photos.  Every year, I print an annual family yearbook (yes, I live out yearbook in real life...can you tell I was the yearbook editor my senior year?), but I rarely take the time to print my photos.  Maybe I'll make that a priority...

Sarah and I were basketball cheerleaders | Larimore, North Dakota | 2001

Our first photo together | Ames, Iowa (in front of the Kappa house) | October 2003

Senior year of high school | Wayzata High School, Hopkins bowling alley, Caribean cruise | spring/summer 2003

My older sister and I were cute kids | Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota | 1988-ish

My favorite picture of my favorite younger sister and me | Minnesota | 2003

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Capture December Pinterest Challenge: Days 28-31

I did it.  I completed the Capture December Pinterest Challenge.  Below are days 28-31 (see days 1-9 here, 10-18 here, and 19-27 here).  The challenge was fun and I'm proud of myself for sticking with something.

28. Words - I'm reading Wheat Belly.  It's awesome.  If you haven't read it, you should.
29. Sky View - Sophie loved sitting on Josh's lap at the Haugo Family Christmas.
30. Your Winter Wonderland - Thanks to the awesome blizzard, the oustside of my house looked like this.  Beautiful, isn't it?
31. Fun - Iowa State played in the Liberty Bowl in Memphis. Even though they lost, they are still my favorite team.  Go State!

And herein ends my daily December Instagram updates.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fab Finds: Printable Calendars

Every year, I look forward to the printable calendars from Red Stamp.  I can't decide which 2013 version I like better:  the dots or the I printed them both.  What's your favorite?


