Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fab Finds: Better Homes & Gardens Blog

My first job out of college was working as an online editor at bhg.com.  It was there where I worked with some amazing ladies, and learned to be passionate about my work.  Anyway, one of my former co-workers and dear friends, Joanna, now works at Better Homes & Gardens (you know, the big magazine that goes out to millions of women every month).  Tonight, while browsing through updates on Facebook, I found a blog post Joanna wrote about gallery walls.  Her writing is captivating - you must read the post (click here).  The topic is interesting, and it makes me want to be "that girl" she's describing. 

Here's the first picture I have with Joanna (and our friend Kaelin) back in 2007.  We had a work function at the Iowa State Fair, and all of us associate editors stuck together.  Joanna has such a kind heart and I'm so blessed to have her in my life.  Also, she's (clearly) very talented with her words, and I admire her mad skills!

Kaelin, me and Joanna | Iowa State Fair | August 2007
Miss Kaelin has also been rocking the bhg.com brand (literally, she's evolved the brand like crazy over the past few years - read about some of her work here).  In the photo below, she is at the BHG Blogger event in NYC last month with BHG Editor-in-Chief Gayle Butler, and the very talented Oma Blaise-Ford, Senior Deputy Editor for Home Design at BHG.

Basically, I'm really proud of my friends, and I hope you love their work, too!

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