1. The Art of Racing In The Rain (makes me think Sophie will come back as a human)
2. 50 Shades of Grey (guilty pleasure)
3. 50 Shades Darker (another guilty pleasure)
4. Imagine (a book that makes me think of all the great reads from grad school)
5. Skinny Bitch (for healthy eating)
I should make a note, that these are the only books I can recall at the moment that are sitting on my nightstand. I know I have two stacks...and this is about 40% representable of them.
Then, I'd also like to commit to actually reading the magazines I get in the mail. I'm really going to make an effort to stay on top of these and read each issue I receive this summer.
2. Real Simple
3. Fitness
Also, yesterday I updated my magazine subscriptions. I'm looking forward to checking out my new monthly issues of Midwest Living and Eating Well. Maybe this will help me discover more to love in the Midwest and broaden my gluten-free menus.
Speaking of the Midwest, I found this shirt on a trip to see Heather in St. Louis, and I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe she'll bring one up for me on her next trip to Des Moines (subtle hint, I know...I would probably feel comfortable in a size medium...in case you're reading this).
The store wasn't open the last time I went to that mall. lol, maybe next time!