Friday, April 27, 2012

Ladies Event

Tomorrow is a ladies event at my church.  I'm not really involved in my church, though I would love to be (I have to calm down every time there is an opening to teach a Sunday School class).  When Josh and I attend the second service on Sundays, we're typically late and then we leave when the service is done.  I really like my church, and I like the pastor and his wife.  I have been wanting to make friends there ever since we started going in November of 2010.  Last fall, I attended a ladies retreat.  It was great and I loved the ladies in my room, however I already knew them (two of whom don't attend my church), so I don't think I accomplished my goal of making friends.  I did make a friend crush.  She is about my age, married without children, and super sweet.  I was so nervous to say hello after our group's ice breaker, that I didn't say anything.  I hate it when my shyness overcomes me.  Anyway, I'm determined to make one friend during tomorrow's event. 

Jill, Misty, me, Minna and Angel at the WELL fall retreat

About two months ago, I saw in the bulletin a note that there were openings to decorate tables for the upcoming ladies event.  So, I volunteered to decorate a table.  Since I've never used my talents to do anything other than for work and projects for friends' weddings (and decorating with Grandma Bev every Christmas), I am really looking forward to doing something for a greater good.  Here's a picture of one of the place settings at the table I decorated.  I'm also supposed to make mini pineapple upside down cakes.  I hope they turn out!

My theme is Old Fashion Summer Fun

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